I have always been fascinated by stars, “sic in caelo ut in aqua”. As a matter of fact, I was born in the year when Judie Garland was playing “A Star is Born” and I live around the star-shaped city of Palmanova. Physics tells that we all comes from the dust of celestial bodies! In one of my first selfportraits, I was a starfish: four rays were painted (legs and arms), while the fifth — the head — was not since it was/is in the clouds. The (real) constellations are to be found in various forms in my works. The naevi on my skin appear to me as families of stars sometimes, that I can group according to my wishes. I like to make/read star-shaped books because they have neither beginning nor end and one can start/stop wherever she wants. Glittering outfits or accessories are my favourites in the art actions, besides castles as locations, because they make me feel as a star in many not-so-metaphorical ways.