The first vinyl and the first travel to Rome

Category : exhibitions, performance, around the world · No Comments · by Nov 9th, 2015

My contributions “the first travel to Rome” (text) and “the first vinyl” (photo) take part in “La prima volta” of AVIS. It is a contest to make the people aware of the importance of the deed of gift of blood/life. My text and photo points up and investigate the not-so-ephemeral effects of love donations.

My name-day at EXPO

Category : performance, around the world · No Comments · by Oct 24th, 2015

Laura Cristin among alive memories on her name day 19th October in Rodi Garganico (2005) and at Expo in Milan (2015)

Laura Cristin among alive memories on her name day 19th October in Rodi Garganico (2005) and at Expo in Milan (2015)

At my name-day, on October 19th, exactly 10 years after the finding of a 100 % pure plastic (inflatable) dolphin in Apulia, I visited the Expo in Milan. Entering in the site and finding a vital space in the overcrowding (the greedy profit did not resist to selling too many tickets!) was such an effort! Though, pavillions were interesting and even more the exhibition “Arts&Foods” in the city, where the (inflatable) cow “Carolina” of my childhood was displayed. Most of all I enjoyed staying with like-minded people, met again (by chance?) after Apulia and others that were/are constantly in my heART.

La “Repubblica dei matti”

Category : around the world · No Comments · by Sep 21st, 2015

On 19 September 2015, at “Pordenonelegge” I met the historic John Foot at the launching of his book La “Repubblica dei matti”: Franco Basaglia e la psichiatria radicale in Italia, 1961-1978. Having had a little – however significant – part in the story of Gorizia, where I met Letizia Comba Jervis between 1966 and 1969, we had many things to share and tell.
…to be continued.

Sherena Velella in Ventotene

Category : exhibitions, around the world · No Comments · by Aug 7th, 2015

Sherena Velella as installation – a soft bust of sea and sky – takes part in Ventotene in the new collective exhibition of “Lo Stracquo”. Last year the works of art were made by international artists with the waste-material collected from the sea along the shores of Ponza. The exhibition continues to travel in the Thyrrenian Sea to a nearby island. Opening at Sala Polivalente U. Terracini at 19:30 of August 7th, 2015. Exhibition will remain open till September 27th. Associazione Calafelci and La Mongolfiera.

Pilgrimage to London 2015

Category : performance, around the world · No Comments · by Jul 10th, 2015

Legenda of the colour pictures (from up left): 1) London Biennale 2006 card, 2) velella velella fish, 3) with Dawn Redwood in London, 4) impromptu at Hillside Gardens in 2011, 5) at the Foundry in 2006, 6) performance at aardverx in 2011. In the sepia background images from a-live memories album of 1975: at Piccardilly Circus, at rock festival of Reading and on the boat to Douglas

Legenda of the colour pictures (from up left): 1) London Biennale 2006 card, 2) velella velella fish, 3) with Dawn Redwood in London, 4) impromptu at Hillside Gardens in 2011, 5) at the Foundry in 2006, 6) performance at aardverx in 2011. In the sepia background images from a-live memories album of 1975: at Piccardilly Circus, at rock festival of Reading and on the boat to Douglas

Pilgrimage to London 2015 July at “aardverx” of Dawn Redwood
When I was young, I used to go to “Inghilterra” during the Summer to practice/learn some English that I had previously roughly caught from BBC lessons/broadcasting on short waves. One way or another – working as au pair or as a chamber maid on a wealthy hotel located in a Thames’s island – I could earn my living beside studying and attending rock festivals. Years later, then came the vacations in camper with the family (progeny in tender age included) sleeping sometime, to cut the costs, in underground car-parks looked after by angry dogs… More or less ten years ago, I started to approach the UK land in an artist capacity. Several participations in London Biennale, a beautiful performance at the once mythic “Foundry”, impromptus at Hillside Gardens took place among many other art actions. Every time I go to London, my heART beats and regenerates at “aardverx”, that is run as an alternative/genuine art space by Dawn Redwood. Its motto is: –(Art) is a hard work but somebody has to do it –. This time, in July 2015, I go back to the places that have undoubtely marked my emancipation from the narrower minded 70ies in Italy. It was/is an oxigen breath. A sort of – far from nostalgic – pilgrimage will take shape during my stay. Coming from the Mediterranean and with the recent bEAUtiful experiences as Sherena Velella in Ponza, I will perhaps bring a ray of light and a little wave in the misty city. For sure I will visit/perform again at Ebury Street where Mozart composed his first symphonies. Maybe I will be tempted by brand new impromptus at Peter Pan’s Kew Gardens or at Crystal Palace that had hosted an international exposition in the past like the current Expo of Milan.Though, the core of it all will be the performance inside the red bricked building of aardverx on July 22nd on the occasion of the annual Bday of Dawn Redwood, deeply immersed in not-only-my Times.

June updatings: plumes,Tarots and food

Category : exhibitions, performance · No Comments · by Jun 20th, 2015

From my (life) travel notes:
– by June 13, the delivering of the 60 piume in viaggio was completed by snail mail and the responses have been amazing!
– Videos of my performance “Danse du Tarots en F” in Paris had new links, after the participation in Magmart video festival. You can now find them at and
– The new project/exhibition “microstorie di cibo” of ArtCafè in Milan hosts my contribution “Fiabe da gustare” at

60 feathers-pals: 8th May – 13th June 2015

Category : performance, mailart · No Comments · by May 12th, 2015

Legenda (from bottom right): 1) feather 2/5 on card, 2) with Nenad Bogdanovič at Way Pavilion International, 9 May 2015, 3) Maurizio Follin at WPI, 4) Renato Sclaunich, 5) Gianni Noli, 5) Daniel and Christine Daligand, 6) M. Follin on his Way, Mariano Bellarosa and Tiziana Baracchi in the background, 7) plume is in the (h)air, 8) Gabriella Gallo, 9) with Emilio Morandi, 10) plume in trans(parent) envelope, 11) with Peter Küstermann, 12) with G. Noli embracing one of his work, 13) Tarotensign XII: (la) vie, painted by Laura Cristin 2014-2015, 14) still life with a goose and a dancer on my wonderlibrary, 26 May 2015, 15) 60 feathers at 8 May 2015

Legenda (from bottom right): 1) feather 2/5 on card, 2) with Nenad Bogdanovič at Way Pavilion International, 9 May 2015, 3) Maurizio Follin at WPI, 4) Renato Sclaunich, 5) Gianni Noli, 5) Daniel and Christine Daligand, 6) M. Follin on his Way, Mariano Bellarosa and Tiziana Baracchi at a distance, 7) plume in the (h)air, 8) Gabriella Gallo, 9) with Emilio Morandi, 10) plume in trans(parent) envelope, 11) with Peter Küstermann, 12) with G. Noli embracing one of his work, 13) Tarotensign XII: (la) vie, painted by Laura Cristin 2014-2015, 14) still life with a goose and a dancer on my wonderlibrary, 26 May 2015, 15) 60 feathers at 8 May 2015

On May 8th, 60 feathers – received as a gift at Easter – were suddenly connected with the years of my life. Next I stamped all of them with my name and a performance took off/started in spite of any rational decision. In the following day, plumes travelled to the “Way Pavilion International” of Venice Biennale at Garage n. 3 where most of them were given out to artist-pals. The remaining feathers – set in proper cards, in transparent wrappings or whatever – will continue their voyage by snail mail or will be delivered on purpose, as long as my next Bday, on June 13th.

Expotarget in Milan

Category : exhibitions · No Comments · by Apr 27th, 2015

A little contribution of mine – a paper airplane – takes part in Milan in bersaglioexpo exhibition cured by First exhibitions, among with other ‘planes selected, will be at the space microLive from May 1st in coincidence with the Expo opening.

Eclipse of the sun (1961-1999-2015)

Category : performance · No Comments · by Mar 20th, 2015

Eclipses at Lat 45°N, Long 13°E (clockwise from left): 1) "Box 1 Pre-vision" 11 August 1999, 2) detail (bottom) of "Box 1", 3) Sun on 20 March 2008 at "Duino Paradiso Equinox", 4) detail (top) of "Box 1", 5) stillframe from the performance "Sirena Bulgara" in Sofia on 19 June 2013 at WTAF

Eclipses at Lat 45°N, Long 13°E (clockwise from left): 1) “Box 1 Pre-vision” 11 August 1999, 2) detail (bottom) of “Box 1”, 3) Sun on 20 March 2008 at “Duino Paradiso Equinox”, 4) detail (top) of “Box 1”, 5) stillframe from the performance “Sirena Bulgara” in Sofia on 19 June 2013 at WTAF

At Lat 45° N, Long 13° E, I had some chances to witness the sun being overshadowed by the moon. First time has been at 7 years, on 15 February 1961. I was allowed not to go to school and my mum brought me – seated on the front saddle of her bicycle – to the gathering of firewood, 15 kilometres far from home. It was a sort of magic – at daytime – to suddenly find immersed in the darkness. It made me think of a Holy Friday when Christ was crucified and the sky turned night. Incidentally, I would have devoloped this impression many years later. The occasion was the performance “Duino Paradiso Equinox” on 20 March 2008, with Dawn Redwood (link to the video in “Places”). The (partial) eclipse of 11 August 1999 was planned in advance so that it could be lived in an artist mode. I spent the exact time of the eclipse painting the inside of a big wooden box whose exterior I had previously tinted in black. Then, in a couple of hours, closed in the camera obscura of my garage, while projecting and painting images of primordial aquatic life into the box, I recreated the inside of an eye, as pre impressed on the retina. “Box # 1, Pre-vision” took shape. This piece made me think of a moment of a not-so-distant performance in Sofia, on 19 June 2013, next to the Summer Solstice. I was lying in a lighted spot of a water tower as a chrysalid ready to sprout in a butterfly, in a sort of pre-life defined by a eye shaped background.
This time, on 20 March 2015, Spring Equinox, many astrological and not coincidences occur again with the eclipse of the sun and I am writing these lines as a keepsake of the Time.

Tarots: con-sonant and (in)finite project

Just the perfect day to let you know something about the Tarots project that is keeping not-only-me busy, from long. On Mardi gras, approaching the turning into the Chinese New Year of the Goat, “Tarots” is published in the “Works” section of this website. A more extensive pdf to download (Intermezzo) goes with it. The journey into this ever surprising/involving theme – treated in a peculiar/subjective way – has come to a crucial point so far. After the silver path, the golden one appears, still ongoing, con-sonant and (in)finite.