In the crowding of — more or less wild animals/birds — that I used to paint on (under) glass, well before the aquatic mammals adopted with the performance art, at the certain point the goose emerges/appears. It is not any goose. My imagination had endowed her a pair of appendages similar to thick tapes, unsuitable for flying. Definitely it’s rather a terrestrial creature (until it runs out of the frame). Soon I consider it a self-portrait and I paint my first ‘selfie’ on other media/surfaces. Some time later, I come back to the idea and develop it in many ways, with the performance art too. In 2005, on the occasion of the celebrations for the 250 years from Hans Christian Andersen’s birth, I came across other birds next of kin of the geese. The (ugly) duckling — destined to become a beautiful swan — was my favourite. It offered a good chance to use the yellow blooper I had picked up in Helsinki and saved among many that had been thrown away for publicity purpose: was/is a nice crown!