Tarots in Paris at Magmart video festival 2015

Category : exhibitions, performance · by Dec 22nd, 2014

Two videos of the performance “Dance du Tarot en F”, that was made at the sepulchre of Raymond Roussel in Paris last July, take part in the IX edition of Magmart, the international videoart festival of Naples. The curator is Enrico Tomaselli.
The videos can be seen, till March 2015, at the following links
30 videos will be selected for the permanent collection of CAM, Contemporary Art Museum of Naples.
As for my videography, I started for the necessity of taking notes of sounds and movements besides the images, along my art&life path. Most of my videos are kept in the personal archive and/or sent to whom it might concern. Since the beginning of the practice, in 2005, some of the most significant ones were showed/took part in Magmart editions/webmagazines and in the Mexican event “07-07-07 para el dia del paraguas negro”.