“Sheren at Summer Solstice 2021”

Category : performance, mailart · by Jun 29th, 2021
Central: B.day cake 13 June 2021. Clockwise from Nemo fish: card for “Artist’s Studio (for Museum of Instant Images of Chaam, The Netherlands) showing “Score of MySELF as SHEren in the Threads and Signs of Time” on the table (for “per Filo e per Segno” at la Fabbrica della Ruota of Pray Biellese), new foldable tent on my gARTen along the top of the card, detail of “Let’s play a proper G chord for MY(an)MAR and DAW SUU” (for “Padiglione Birmania, Guardamiglio-Lodi), detail of my feet painted on the Sherensign XVII (work in progress), mail art “Sheren’s tears” revisiting the MV X-press PEARL disaster.

Just around my B.day art-life started to burst again and few but significant exhibition opportunities come up such as

-“L’Amazzonia deve vivere” (curator Ruggero Maggi) featuring a kiwi leaf from my former gARTen, at Museo Diotti of Casalmaggiore (CR) from 4 June to 1 August and from 21 August to 26 September

-“per Filo e per Segno” (curator Marisa Cortese), at the Fiber art exhibition in Pray Biellese, from 6 June to 10 October

-“Padiglione Birmania” (curator R. Maggi) at Palazzo Zanardi Landi of Guardamiglio-Lodi from 26 June to 31 July and from 3 to 19 September.

Last but not least, some mail art about the MV X-press PEARL revisiting the nurdles as Sheren’s tears and so on.