She-rena in Stracquo

Category : performance, around the world · by Mar 24th, 2014

4-5-6 April 2014, in the isle of Ponza, in the Tyrrhenian Sea, I take part in “Lo stracquo: aka the art that comes from the sea”…

Laura Cristin, aka Sheren, is among the 12 selected for taking part in Ponza’s “Lo stracquo” – that is the art that comes from the sea’s waste. Along with other artists on the same wavelenght, she will be a guest on the island of Ponza in the first weekend of April 2014. They all will be busy in the preparation/preview of their final work that will be finished later to be presented at Yacth Med Festival and in group exhibitions during the Summer. The event is organized by Calafelci of Ponza, in collaboration with the Cultural Association ‘900 and the support of the City / Pinacoteca of Gaeta. It is a wonderful opportunity for Sheren to explore a She-rena (=sand) aspects and to weave her personal quest with the collective waste recovery, so to identify and gather particularly significant fragments brought from the Sea. The April stay is already an “ante litteram” art action, the assumption for things and facts that can take beautiful forms at the right Time, under favorable circumstances. The main idea – subject however to unexpected changements – is to bring in Ponza semi-finished textile busts of sea and sky, to fill with weaves of thoughts, memories and sounds brought from the waters where the sirens/mermaids live.