
“Ogni volta è la prima volta” by Marsilio & London Biennale

Category : exhibitions, performance, around the world · by May 9th, 2016

On May 13th, from 15:30 at Salone del Libro di Torino, Padiglione 1, Spazio Incontri to be precise, the book “Ogni volta è la prima volta” by Marsilio editore will be presented. The book contains the 21 finalist stories of the AVIS contest held at Pordenonelegge 2015.
“La prima volta a Roma” of mine is among them.
I had practiced and re-invented that story alive at the opening of London Biennale in Rome (May 1-2-3) at Studio.ra and Studio RO.MI with the main performance “hell-HEAL-hill” that followed a inter-action with Reynolds’ “Chemo Dragon Emergency Room”: I had drawn a Siren on her breast and chest. I had donated to Raffaella Losapio a platinum disc with the apple of OB-LA-DI, OB-LA-DA. The international meeting along the idea of David Medalla and his coordinator Adam Nankervis was wonderful, for the freedom that allows to all sort of personal ways of art/creativity.
My photo album at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1159246567427708&type=1&l=bf605a3f81
Synthesis of the performance in the video at https://youtu.be/NIkHVWJXI_o?list=LLoekfKiJTgG127yOnRU9B7g
Video with my participation in Reynolds’ performance “Chemo Dragon Emergency Room” in https://youtu.be/s_bON4LiRwA