13 June 2014: not-so-personal 60!

Category : uncategorized · No Comments · by Jun 11th, 2014

On June 13th 2014, at dawn, the Sun will be in the same position of the natal one, after 60 ear_th’s revolutions. At the same time, from the Chinese point of view and calendar, the wooden Horse, yang, of my horoscope will also return, once in 60 yrs. I am happy to share/have shared the Time here on hearth and sky, so far! Celebrations will follow at Lat 45° N and Long 13° E, along the Sea.

10 May 2014: Cavellini Centenary&around

Category : exhibitions, mailart, around the world · No Comments · by May 3rd, 2014

On May 10th, I will attend – one way or another – these events:

“GAC day” in Ponte Nossa (Bergamo) IT, where there’s a mail art exhibition to celebrate the Centennial of Cavellini, the “Open Day of Golden Roots in Europe” showing my piece “Liberty Statue NY/NL” at Kunst Kolonie Veenhuizen, then “micro2 and micro&book” exhibition in San Donato Milanese (Milan) IT, with a “Sheren’s ATLAS” and last but not least I will be at the 4th International Competition “The lace” in Gorizia, IT as a juror. The prizes will be awarded at Palazzo Lantieri, from 10:30.

All these events develop a Cavellinian idea of Time, according to his self-promotion and pre planning of events beyond his life. For mathematical reasons, part of the last century, belongs to me too, since I was born in ’54 – year of the wooden horse, yang (like 2014). Artistically, GAC is now more than alive, as my 60 years or my grandma Angela, whose war diary ’14-’16 I recently happened to read. Time belongs to everybody involved and protagonist in the flux of Life/Art!


London Biennale 2014: Expo Brut

Category : mailart, around the world · No Comments · by Apr 29th, 2014

From 1 May to 1 June 2014 in Tilly, Belgium, at Acrodacrolivres there’s an exhibition curated by Rino Telaro as a Pollination of London Biennale 2014. I have taken part in the independent exhibition/movement founded and directed by David Medalla since 2004. For each edition I made a card on the theme, as requested for participating, often with the Eros statue of Piccardilly Circus. The Biennale of 2006 in London comes to my mind with all the artists I met and the performances at The Foundry, Orleans House and Sinergy Gallery. Since then, approaching 1st of May, I like to think about my art/life and make a ‘free’ point about it. This time, in Belgium, I participate in ExpoManifestoBrut with a mirror card where miniatures of my previous LB cards make a sort of crown frame.


Sherena Velella I

Category : exhibitions, performance, around the world · No Comments · by Apr 14th, 2014

4-5-6 April, in the isle of Ponza, the first part of my participation in “Stracquo” took shape. A “sail” coming from a piece of a fiberglass swimming pool, was given by the Sea, as well as the inspiration of the many velella velella (by the wind sailors) I could find on the beach after a storm. The sail has remained in the Museum of Ponza, waiting for the textile bust of Sherena that I brought home to be completed, for a main exhibition in August.

Full details by Rita Bosso’s review.


She-rena in Stracquo

Category : performance, around the world · No Comments · by Mar 24th, 2014

4-5-6 April 2014, in the isle of Ponza, in the Tyrrhenian Sea, I take part in “Lo stracquo: aka the art that comes from the sea”…


Laura Cristin, aka Sheren, is among the 12 selected for taking part in Ponza’s “Lo stracquo” – that is the art that comes from the sea’s waste. Along with other artists on the same wavelenght, she will be a guest on the island of Ponza in the first weekend of April 2014. They all will be busy in the preparation/preview of their final work that will be finished later to be presented at Yacth Med Festival and in group exhibitions during the Summer. The event is organized by Calafelci of Ponza, in collaboration with the Cultural Association ‘900 and the support of the City / Pinacoteca of Gaeta. It is a wonderful opportunity for Sheren to explore a She-rena (=sand) aspects and to weave her personal quest with the collective waste recovery, so to identify and gather particularly significant fragments brought from the Sea. The April stay is already an “ante litteram” art action, the assumption for things and facts that can take beautiful forms at the right Time, under favorable circumstances. The main idea – subject however to unexpected changements – is to bring in Ponza semi-finished textile busts of sea and sky, to fill with weaves of thoughts, memories and sounds brought from the waters where the sirens/mermaids live.

Art20 in Finland

Category : exhibitions, around the world · No Comments · by Mar 12th, 2014

5 – 27 March, in Kangasala, Finland, at Villa Armas, I take part with a 20×20 cm collage, at the international exhibition “Art20”, already shown last year in Renko. Curator: Pirjo Heino

Mail art about Lord Byron in Venezia-Mestre

Category : exhibitions, mailart · No Comments · by Mar 10th, 2014

15 March, at 19:00, in Venezia-Mestre, at 3D Gallery, I take part in the mail art exhibition, with the card “Lord Byron loved to swim”. Curators: Adolfina De Stefani/ MISMOMATIC/Segnoperenne


Ž as Woman in Trebnje

Category : exhibitions, around the world · No Comments · by Mar 5th, 2014

7 March, at 19:00. In Trebnje, Slovenia, at Galerija Likovnih Samorastnikov, there’s the second talk about ženske (women) in art. Two works of mine -– “4 seasons in Trebnje”, oil paints on glass and “Addio Wunderkammer” acrylic on canvas – were painted at the Gallery’s workshop in 1990 and are now part of the permanent collection of the Museum.


Murales in Rome

Category : around the world · No Comments · by Mar 5th, 2014

6 March 2014, at 18:00. In Rome, at studio.ra of Raffaella Losapio, a not-so-virtual image made for London Biennale 2014, takes part in the screening of murales. Curator: Raffaella Losapio


New website

Category : uncategorized · No Comments · by Mar 1st, 2014

The new website is on line! After six months work: hope you enjoy! It’s a sort of art biography in 20 projects that one can read/imagine as when looking at a night sky: start/quit at your will!