On July 19, with Inés and Ayelén, I was back in Venice to visit the 57th Biennale. Soon I will complete with a further image, the project already visible in http://lauracristin.itit/works/a-special-day-in-57biennalevenezia/
The birthday is always a special day. In one way or another, it makes the chance to retrace the-not-only-my-time of life. Celebrating the memorable date of mid-June with relatives and/or friends is a must. Other remarkable events of art/life this months:
– in Siracusa (Sicily), from the 5th to the end of June, at the Art Gymnasium Gagini, I take part in the mailart exhibition “Io e la Bellezza” (curator Lidia Pizzo for Aretè, Centrum Latinitatis Europae) with “Masks and murals for Trinacria” and the artistbook “Revolt for Beauty” remake of “Re-vault for Goliarda Sapienza 2016 “.
– From June 17 to August 10, I participate in the “First International Biennial of Postal Art in Venice” curated by Ruggero Maggi at Palazzo Zenobio, with the collage “CorresponDANCE 2017 for the Dalai Lama and Tibet”.
– Starting with my B.day “LOOKing forwards” action begins. I will distribute the stickers with the reproduction of the portrait made to Joel Cohen, that the artist sent me from New York in sign of gratitude and in a number corresponding to the years of my life.
The 10th May 2017 was a bEAUtiful day at Biennale Venezia. First step, was the not-so-ephemeral installation of the sticker of Joel Cohen with his portrait, second one, attending/being involved in David Medalla and Adam Nankervis performance for the 15th anniversary of their Mondrian Fan Club, last but not least, remembering the impromptu of January 2008 with Dorothea Fayne and Dario Della Rossa, through a snap of “Totem 2004-2008-2017” next to the “Paradise” by Bosch in Palazzo Ducale. Meeting – one way or another – old and new friends is wonderful!
Facebook open album at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1506744286011266.1073741834.100000271265514&type=1&l=fd40352fab
Two videos, currently taking part in Magmart video festival are now online at these links:
“Healing in Rome” https://youtu.be/24ICAlVTiew
“Re-act and Re-vault” https://youtu.be/UxlRExtYgA0
More to be added shortly in the “Works” section.
It’s Easter time in April this year! From a domestic side, main news are: the municipality calendar hanging in my kitchen displays a photo of my “Anteprima del temporale” that was selected in a previous competition; the painting “The Sticker Dude remembering the joint performance “Just life” by/with Laura Cristin in Coney Island 2012/06/14” was completed (link at http://www.artwanted.com/imageview.cfm?id=1451496 ) and Ragged Edge Press NYC will print it as a sticker. I found the time with my daughter to decorate new terracotta eggs (what a relaxing fun!). The bookmark “Sheren” takes part in “Parolamagica” exhibition (curator Rosanna Veronesi) in Milan, at the historic bookstore Malavasi in via Santa Tecla/largo Schuster (just behind Palazzo Reale) from 19 to 23 April, for the Milan Bookfair.
After a while, I went back to colours and brushes. The result is a “TRIP_tych 2008” consisting in a composition of three paintings about art actions that occurred nine years ago in Venice, San Daniele del Friuli and in the gARTen of my house. Find the image at this link:http://www.artwanted.com/imageview.cfm?id=1448373
The bigger piece (“Totem”) can also be considered an homage to Bosch’s “The Souls Ascending the Empyrean”. Last year I made a collage about it, but transforming it in a painting was just another thing! Have a look at the previous collage at http://www.artwanted.com/imageview.cfm?ID=1404714
Then the time came to edit the videos of the two main performances of 2016: “HEALing in Rome” (2nd May at London Biennale opening) and “ReACT and Revault” (30th August in Gaeta). Now both take part in the tenth edition of Magmart video festival. Synopsis can be found at this links:http://www.magmart.it/videos.php?i=3087 and http://www.magmart.it/fullvideo.php?i=3100
On the Day of Saint Valentine, I had completed my submission to Saatchi gallery of London contest “Selfie to self-expression”. I already developed the theme in the Works section in the project “Self portrait”. This time, I had searched into the meaning of that practice, that one way or another, is keeping me busy mostly, along journeys of many kinds. Here are the titles of the photos that you can reach on the link above: “full immersion in the colour of my eyes” (Oceanarium of Valencia, 27 January 2017), “(paper) boat trip from Venice railway station” (impromptu “Isonzo S_core” on 9 October 2010), “Selfie as Sheren in Naples” (Napoli Centrale railway station on 2nd September 2016), “in the sweet heART of Florence” (in a confectionery shop window on 11 November 2011), “in the (Chinese) zodiac as wooden Horse Yang in Padua” (at the Museo del Precinema on 19 March 2014), “the LIGHT of my heart!” (as documenting the new striped curtain and the sacre of the intimacy in Bagnaria Arsa on 4 May 2012).
Left to right clockwise: “Memorie di Fumis Angela 1914-1916” book 2016; portrait of Angela1914, detail of Tarotensign XII (la)vie by Laura Cristin 2014-15 based on the optical signallers used in the Great War, photo of Angela’s 70 B.day on 10 June 1966 in San Pier d’Isonzo (Gorizia), page from the original diary.
Main image on the left: Christmas Tree 2016
TOPs: pop-up card “Pirouettes” – Santa Claus pendant for “La Festa dei Cugini” 1992 – ‘Xmas tree top – Supermoon in Gabria (Gorizia) 13NOV2016 – starfish in “Re-vault” bust 2014-’16 – photo of my grandma from her diary “Memorie di Fumis Angela 1914-1916” – detail of “oisEAU” 1998 – selfie at City Lit in London 2016.
heARTs: TRIPtych for the Mothers of Capua 2016 – crib in Naples (San Giovanni Armeno) similar nativity scene (figurines) was sent to Dario1 – “Wunderhouse” oil on glass 1987 – “Pirouettes NEW” ball with Brunori Sas figurines – the garden of peace at Kingsley Hall in London.
BASE Foliage: detail of “Re-vault” in Gaeta (Latina) – Pulcinella tambourine in Naples – Rainbow Dash at aardverx in London – “OB-LA-DI’, OB-LA-DA” disc revisited 1968-2016 – at London Biennale opening in Rome with Raffaella Losapio and David Medalla – Kingsley Hall window.
TRUNKs: performance “hell-HEAL-hill” in Rome – Siren/dolphin fountain at Napoli Centrale – Reynolds and I in Rome after having painted on her heart – Olivetti writing ‘Xmas Carols 2016 – Afrodite “Pudica” at Archeological Museum in Naples – door-window at Kingsley Hall – baby hazel tree in “the field” of Bagnaria Arsa (Udine) similar photo was selected for the calender of the municipality (April).
Detail of “oisEAU”, acrylic on canvas and photo of the last ones to leave “La Festa dei Buchi” at Laura Cristin’s home-atelier in Bagnaria Arsa, Udine on 25 October 1998.
Freedom and Dignity need constant dedication and update.
October is always a special time for me: memories are revived and take new shapes and perspectives. This year, two main trips occurred: first “Re-vault sTRIP” – already printed in limited editions as a paper-triptych – was sent worldwide in the mailart “calisthenics for the soul”. Second one was the making of “Twin Mother from Udine to Capua”. It’s a portable altar on handmade paper, based on the memory of a 1994 painting dedicated to my mother, enriched with some calligraphic writing at the sides. It will be sent shortly to the Museo Provinciale Campano of Capua, for an exhibition at the Matres Matutae room. All this comes to my mind after having baked a delicious apple cake, that I sprinkled on top with the content of five sugar packets brought from Naples as a keepsake!