Clockwise around the Holy Crib with figurines from the 50ies: glass vase, “Natale” plate (blue and yellow), Xmas clay garland made/painted in the 80ies-90ies; mailart “The Red Bench…” exhibited in Bologna for November 25th, “Sheren in Venice” painted in Laives (Bozen) in October 2021.
An installation of
thoughts, words and images, goes straight in my heART. It started
from a recent mailart card where I depicted a Red Bench to be built
and to be constantly mantained in order to SURFvive in the hurricanes
(for an exhibition in Bologna against the violence on women) and a
pictorial experienze in Laives at the Kunst Kolonie of
Then, holding up the
figurines of the Nativity Crib from my infancy and with the gaunt bed
for the Holy Child in my hands, I realized the similarity of the cot
with the Red Bench above. ‘Things’ from the past emerged: a glass
vase, a celebrative plate for “Natale”, a clay garland and
so on.
Laura Cristin Sheren in a photo by Giancarlo Da Lio, from the performance at Parco del Piraghetto in Venezia Mestre on October 2nd, 2021. At the side: two faces of Tarotensign “VPopeS&StarXVII”, cm 170 x 52 painted on blue textile, 2021.
On October 2nd, 2021,
exactly thirty two years after the signing of the manifesto for the
First International Day of Poetry, a group of (mail)artists gathered
in the same place of Venezia Mestre, at Itinerary 80, around
Giancarlo Da Lio.
Laura Cristin Sheren brought the Tarotensign VPopeS&StarXVII just completed and hanged it facing the Canadian maple, better known as the Tree of Poetry. The two Arcana depicted on the double face blue textile came three dimentional in two subsequent art actions. The first performance – for the PopeS – took place at the Garage-Ambasciata of via Cavallotti: an intimate memory intended for those present, devoted to the missed friend and mentor Dawn Redwood (London, 1936-2020), immersed in Jerusalem by W. Blake, set to the music of the Time. Soon after came the Star‘s turn in the nearby Parco del Piraghetto where the performance was shared with the local community and the Nature and the Autumn by Vivaldi. Sheren wore a Venetian tricorn and ended up holding the nine pointed Star of the fortress of Palmanova that Dawn had loved so much.
Central: cake 13 June 2021. Clockwise from Nemo fish: card for “Artist’s Studio (for Museum of Instant Images of Chaam, The Netherlands) showing “Score of MySELF as SHEren in the Threads and Signs of Time” on the table (for “per Filo e per Segno” at la Fabbrica della Ruota of Pray Biellese), new foldable tent on my gARTen along the top of the card, detail of “Let’s play a proper G chord for MY(an)MAR and DAW SUU” (for “Padiglione Birmania, Guardamiglio-Lodi), detail of my feet painted on the Sherensign XVII (work in progress), mail art “Sheren’s tears” revisiting the MV X-press PEARL disaster.
Just around my art-life started
to burst again and few but significant exhibition opportunities come
up such as
-“L’Amazzonia deve vivere” (curator Ruggero Maggi) featuring a kiwi leaf from my former gARTen, at Museo Diotti of Casalmaggiore (CR) from 4 June to 1 August and from 21 August to 26 September
-“per Filo e per Segno”
(curator Marisa Cortese), at the Fiber art exhibition in Pray
Biellese, from 6 June to 10 October
-“Padiglione Birmania”
(curator R. Maggi) at Palazzo Zanardi Landi of Guardamiglio-Lodi from
26 June to 31 July and from 3 to 19 September.
Last but not least, some mail art about
the MV X-press PEARL revisiting the nurdles as Sheren’s tears and so
The book-diary “inFINITO aMARE” was written from June 2019 till November 2020, to collect and transfigurate episodes of art-life as in “real” fairy tales. Three Artist Books consisting in 170 pages each were handmade to start the journay. Original copy at Archivio Diaristico Nazionale
best wishes for a Merry ‘Xmas and Happy New Year 2021! I hope to soon
be able to embrace life again at one hundred percent, in the meantime
I did it by completing the book “inFINITO aMARE” that I
wrote over the latest eighteen months, from 13 June 2019 to 11
November 2020. Almost six hundred thousand characters, collected in
thirty-three waves of art-life, to compose a trilogy (1-11, 12-22,
23-33). So far, three artist copies have been made which, starting
from a December day when it snowed around here, have now started
their journey. Still ongoing.
of the chapters of “inFINITO aMARE” (the book-diary is
written in Italian, except # 27 We’ll Go No More a Roving that is in
English): 01 Compleanni B.days, 02 Ricordo grato di Letizia Comba, 03
La nascita di Sheren, 04 Che Guevara, 05 Coney Island, 06 City Lit,
07 Allunaggi, 08 Bicicletta, 09 Serendipità a Berlino e Sofia, 10 La
Grande Guerra, 11 Sulle tracce di Mozart; 12 Mondiali di calcio 1982
e 2006, 13 Arcobaleni e Messico, 14 Principesse e Castelli, 15 Le
Carte, 16 Le Conchiglie, 17 dolpHEn in Irlanda, La plastica e i
gonfiabili, 19 Da ShirEn a SHEren (a Madrid), 20 Instant book e onde
noir, 21 L’isola che non c’è, 22 La Fotografia; 23 Dio c’è?, 24
Garibaldi, 25 Trebnje e Beograd, 26 Calzini scompagnati, 27 We’ll Go
No More a Roving, 28 Farfalle, 29 Trip-tych, 30
Parigi-Venezia-Firenze, 31 Nei luoghi di Beethoven, 32 Cronologia dei
Tarocchi, 33 Dalle Termopili a Gandhi.
“The Old Man and The Sea”, written in 1951, published in 1952, Hemingway received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954. When Giancarlo Da Lio invited me to join his birthday/aka Day of Art on January 17, 2020, a few days before the one of my husband Enzo (19 January 1952) I felt involved in the Time. Tiziana Baracchi too, his wife, who passed away in 2018, was born in 1952. So I asked Maurizio Follin a soundtrack for a performance that would remind Giancarlo’s strength and his inner being of “sea man” – winged lion of the Embassy of Venice – to discover that Maurizio and his wife Gabriella were also born in those years. In four and four, they provided me with the Rumble n ° 20 01 12 (10:38) which I immediately found perfect for an impromptu action at La Fossetta di Musile del Piave. It is a historic tavern where Hemingway used to spend his time while in Venice area and which – since 11 May 2018 – hosts the Garden of Poetry with the various contributions for the Red Lion of the Embassy of Venice, cured by Giancarlo and Tiziana. As for me, Laura Cristin, Sheren in art-life or life-art that does the same, I was born in 1954, the year of the Nobel Prize and the story has renewed and brought back so many thoughts and brought forth the desire to revive and involve in the participatory performance “The Man and the Sea” the strength of all those who, like Santiago, travel the stages of their heroic and daily existence in “la mar”, confronting each other respectfully with the marlins and sharks that meet along the way, being able to count on friendship, like the old fisherman with the young Manolo.
P.S. The fishbone remaining from the big marlin at the end of the performance became a sword that entitled me – among others like Teresa Cazzaro and Virgilia Milici – to be Ambassador of Art.
On August 3rd 2019, the mail art congress snap+share hosted by The Sticker Dude, John Held and others, will take place at San Francisco MOMA from 1:00 to 5:00 pm local time. On the same day, photos were taken first thing in the morning in the star shaped city of Palmanova (Italy) as a wave of good wish from Laura Cristin Sheren. The original portrait of Joel Cohen, made in 2016 as a memory of a jointed performance in Coney Island in 2012, was installed in the central niche of the square, just below a pennon flagging the Italian flag and on a water well that reminds the Ocean. Since the nine hours of time difference (Europe is farther ahead than California in this field!) the action is meant as a preview. Other correspondances will follow in coincidence with the Congress.
Laura Cristin at the opening of Biennale di Venezia #58, May 11th 2019, upper left : detail of “Muro di Berlino” oil and collage behind glass, cm 62 x 88, 1990.
Around the Summer Solstice, from 20 to 25 June, I will be in Berlin to continue “E il naufragar m’è dolce in questo infinito amare”. A series of impromptu will be made for the 30 years after the Fall of the Wall. I will flag Waves of memory/a sort of re-created sea along the once border-wall at Brandenburger Tor (Saturday 22nd June from 11:00 till 12:00 am; meeting point outside the main entrance of Hotel Adlon in Pariser Platz, Unter den Linden 77, at 10:45) and around, to involve mail art and London Biennale friends and passers-by.
On the 3rd and /or 5th May, Sheren will be in Milan, for a impromptu in Piazza Duomo and/or in a shared garden of Isola, for a wave of good luck at the marriage of Kika and Antonello.
Saturday, May 11th , in Venice, on the occasion of the Biennale # 58 opening, at 1:00 pm Sheren will be with Peter Kuestermann along the Adria-side in front of Giardini, to re-create an a-mare to which to entrust our hopes and fears, and those of the refugees who have eventfully crossed the Mediterranean. From 16:00, the action will move to the 7th sestiere of Mestre, in via Cavallotti 83/B for “Checkpoint”, a parallel event of the Venice Biennale curated by Giancarlo and Giulia Da Lio.
The performances of Laura Cristin Sheren are also part of London Biennale 2019.
Life and love are multi-faceted diamonds where good and evil and a thousand other shades form a single pearl. The world of the Sirens, with its aquatic and earthly contradictions, bears witness to this. Sheren, who from a long time practiced that imaginary, with the arms and baggage of the art/life, in 2019 is particularly inspired, 200 years after its writing, by “e il naufragar m’è dolce in questo mare”, which concludes, with admirable and fluctuating opening, “L’Infinito” by Giacomo Leopardi.
That verse seems all right to be re-lived with engaging waves embracing memories, dreams and fears, personal and collective.
Full text/proposal. The first performance on the theme will be in MILAN, on the 3rd and/or 5th May (piazza Duomo and/or shared garden of Isola) for the marriage of Kika and Antonello, with the unfolding of an auspicious free wave that will flag and wrap without forcing.
The following Saturday, which is May 11th and coincides with the Biennale #58 opening, Sheren will decline Leopardi’s verse in VENICE: at 13:00, along the Adria-side in front of Giardini. Then the action will move to “Checkpoint”, parallel event of 7° sestiere, care of Giancarlo and Giulia Da Lio, in Mestre, via Cavallotti 83/B, from 16:00. Together with Peter Kuestermann and the (mail) artists or passers by wishing to participate, a bridge will be created , with the hopes and fears of those who eventfully have crossed the Mediterranean. It will give the chance to recite a ‘de profundis’ of the value of the Western civilization (?) buried in the sea-cemetery together with the castaways who did not make it, but also a small attempt to restore a bit of humanity in consciences.
Peter Kuestermann will bring the messages-in-the-bottles entrusted to him by refugees in Germany who have managed to save (at least physically) their lives and now wishing to leave their thoughts to the big sea of love that has not swallowed them.
In the re-created waves, everyone can immerse themselves, reflect and deliver to the sea, even only a yearning for hope. For those who prefer the ancient art of writing, Sheren will provide ‘blank messages’ to be completed and put into bottles collected around the world, which will be returned in the five continents.
P.S. The performance of Laura Cristin Sheren are also part of London Biennale 2019.
Clockwise: a long/involving wave for Field Study Gathering at Tate Britain 5JAN2019; installation “memORiA di Sheren” in Pinacoteca of Gaeta; another picture from A MARE in London; card for London Biennale 2019; images from “Myself box” for of Milan; further picture of A MARE involving Nat Fonnesu
On January 5th, 2019, in LONDON, I participated in the 25th Field Study Gathering by David Della Fiora, at Tate Britain nearby gARTen. Then, in the following days I took the chance of developing several art/life WAVes, one of which for London Biennale.
At the same time, my installation “memORiA di Sheren” took part in GAETA ‘s XXX edition of Porticato Gaetano.
On Sunday, January 27th, in MILAN, a “Myself box” of mine was exhibited at Wunderkammern effimere in via Giovanola 19/c. The e-book can be seen at
Exactly one month before Christmas a group of friends-artists-and-not wishing to share their humanity and their art/life, met in Laura Cristin’s studio in Bagnaria Arsa, not far from the star shaped city of Palmanova. Early in the afternoon “LaCura”was performed, in the homonymous track composed by Dario Della Rossa for “Healing in London” at the Kingsley Hall (9th September 2017 for Loonies Fest).
“LaCura” is dedicated to Franco Basaglia, Letizia Comba, Angela Fumis and Tiziana Baracchi and to the many who passed away/were not physically present but are still in our heART. Their presence was tangible in the gratitude of the ones who have had the privilege to share part of their journay in life with them.
Video by Maurizio Follin.
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