Diamonds, Oil, Saints … GO2025!

Category : exhibitions, performance · No Comments · by Feb 23rd, 2025
Clockwise starting from the Diamond: “Gemstones of art/life: A. Kowal, Letizia Comba, F. Basaglia”, at “Codes of Imagination”, Outsider Art, Psychiatria i Sztuka, Kraków, 22 February-16 March; “GeminiOILextrACT”, at Olio Officina Festival for Artedamangiare, Genua, 27, 28 Feb – 1 March; “new collection on a selfportrait 1990”; Brunori Sas in San Remo, 14 February; selfie at the opening: Laura Cristin at the Neptune fountain, Gorizia, with GO2025 on heart.

It all started from a twin label of extra virgin OIL from Gemini (Apulia) 2004. Memento of Athena and Poseidon dispute over Attica. Athena won, because the olive tree would grow out of the wound inflicted into the earth. I really like Poseidon, which I once saw on a British coin. Our Neptune travels in the salty, no useful for agriculture but otherwise sacred, waters of the sea. My Gemini wave on them went to ex Magazzini del Cotone in Genua. Among the sparkling memories, three DIAMONDs of art/life/psychiatry – A. Kowal, Letizia Comba and F. Basaglia – deserved to be painted in a little tile headed to Poland. My friends being called to SAN REMO (Festival), from San Fili (Cosenza) stand out in memories waves. Then, on February 8th in Gorizia, I re-discovered the joyful right to be a nano-thousandth, yet significant – part in GO2025. In tune, borderless.

Art-life at Xmas 2021

Category : exhibitions, mailart · No Comments · by Dec 20th, 2021
Clockwise around the Holy Crib with figurines from the 50ies: glass vase, “Natale” plate (blue and yellow), Xmas clay garland made/painted in the 80ies-90ies; mailart “The Red Bench…” exhibited in Bologna for November 25th, “Sheren in Venice” painted in Laives (Bozen) in October 2021.

An installation of thoughts, words and images, goes straight in my heART. It started from a recent mailart card where I depicted a Red Bench to be built and to be constantly mantained in order to SURFvive in the hurricanes (for an exhibition in Bologna against the violence on women) and a pictorial experienze in Laives at the Kunst Kolonie of Artimmersion13.

Then, holding up the figurines of the Nativity Crib from my infancy and with the gaunt bed for the Holy Child in my hands, I realized the similarity of the cot with the Red Bench above. ‘Things’ from the past emerged: a glass vase, a celebrative plate for “Natale”, a clay garland and so on.

Emblems of a still alive art-life.

Poesia a Venezia

Category : exhibitions, performance, mailart · No Comments · by Oct 15th, 2021
Laura Cristin Sheren in a photo by Giancarlo Da Lio, from the performance at Parco del Piraghetto in Venezia Mestre on October 2nd, 2021. At the side: two faces of Tarotensign “VPopeS&StarXVII”, cm 170 x 52 painted on blue textile, 2021.

On October 2nd, 2021, exactly thirty two years after the signing of the manifesto for the First International Day of Poetry, a group of (mail)artists gathered in the same place of Venezia Mestre, at Itinerary 80, around Giancarlo Da Lio.

Laura Cristin Sheren brought the Tarotensign VPopeS&StarXVII just completed and hanged it facing the Canadian maple, better known as the Tree of Poetry. The two Arcana depicted on the double face blue textile came three dimentional in two subsequent art actions. The first performance – for the PopeS – took place at the Garage-Ambasciata of via Cavallotti: an intimate memory intended for those present, devoted to the missed friend and mentor Dawn Redwood (London, 1936-2020), immersed in Jerusalem by W. Blake, set to the music of the Time. Soon after came the Star‘s turn in the nearby Parco del Piraghetto where the performance was shared with the local community and the Nature and the Autumn by Vivaldi. Sheren wore a Venetian tricorn and ended up holding the nine pointed Star of the fortress of Palmanova that Dawn had loved so much.

Link video at

Merry ‘Xmas 2019 and happy New Year 2020

Category : exhibitions, around the world · No Comments · by Dec 19th, 2019

A glimpse of new 'Xmas decorations from Laura Cristin Sheren

A glimpse of new ‘Xmas decorations from Laura Cristin Sheren

At the end of a very intense/happy 2019, I wish all the best to everybody, offering with this card just a glimpse of my INTERIORity coming from brand new ‘Xmas decorations, recycled and revisited from the past. Among these: a crib made with four statuines recently bought in Naples, set around the invite of mcDONAlds (let us donate!), a nativity scene with the figurines of my childhood hosted this year in a new shelter (roof is made with part of a wooden crate “La Qualità dal 1954” – referring to Sicilian citrus fruit – preserved for years) to end with a ©hristmas tree – made out with an advert of the Aspirine with vitamin C – that was collected outside a chemist shop. Enjoy getting towards the new decennial!

At Lo Stracquo in Ponza, September 2019

Category : exhibitions, performance, around the world · No Comments · by Sep 29th, 2019

"Mare Nostrum che sei nei cieli" it is a pray from Laura Cristin for the many who tried to cross the Mediterranean but did not survive, Ponza, 3 September 2019

“Mare Nostrum che sei nei cieli” it is a pray from Laura Cristin for the many who tried to cross the Mediterranean but did not survive, Ponza, 3 September 2019

There’s a map of Mediterranean, in “Sherena Velella” book made after lo Stracquo 2014, where I drew crosses for the many who found the eternal rest there. This year, having completed a similar journay to Ponza – resulting in the bust of sea and sky of “Sherena Lunata” – I ended with “Flaschenpost from Venedig to Ponza” (video at ) so I could pray: “Mare Nostrum che sei nei cieli…”

SHEren in A MARE

Category : exhibitions, around the world · No Comments · by Mar 8th, 2019


On Saturday March 9th, 2019, “SHirEn sitting” will take part in the collective exhibition “My Planet” cured by NonSoloBlu in Monfalcone (Gorizia). Opening is at 18:30 in Palazzetto Veneto, via S. Ambrogio, second floor. The exhibition that aims to raise awareness on the theme of sea pollution will last until March 23rd.
“SHirEn sitting participated in ”Carnevale in tela” by Endas c/o the Municipality of Monfalcone from February 21st till March 5th.

A MARE in London (and around)

Category : exhibitions, performance, mailart, around the world · No Comments · by Jan 27th, 2019

Clockwise: a long/involving wave for Field Study Gathering at Tate Britain 5JAN2019; installation “memORiA di Sheren” in Pinacoteca of Gaeta; another picture from A MARE in London; card for London Biennale 2019; images from “Myself box” for of Milan; further picture of A MARE involving Nat Fonnesu

Clockwise: a long/involving wave for Field Study Gathering at Tate Britain 5JAN2019; installation “memORiA di Sheren” in Pinacoteca of Gaeta; another picture from A MARE in London; card for London Biennale 2019; images from “Myself box” for of Milan; further picture of A MARE involving Nat Fonnesu

On January 5th, 2019, in LONDON, I participated in the 25th Field Study Gathering by David Della Fiora, at Tate Britain nearby gARTen. Then, in the following days I took the chance of developing several art/life WAVes, one of which for London Biennale.
At the same time, my installation “memORiA di Sheren” took part in GAETA ‘s XXX edition of Porticato Gaetano.
On Sunday, January 27th, in MILAN, a “Myself box” of mine was exhibited at Wunderkammern effimere in via Giovanola 19/c. The e-book can be seen at

LaCura for ‘Xmas 2018

Category : exhibitions, performance, mailart, around the world · No Comments · by Dec 19th, 2018

Exactly one month before Christmas a group of friends-artists-and-not wishing to share their humanity and their art/life, met in Laura Cristin’s studio in Bagnaria Arsa, not far from the star shaped city of Palmanova. Early in the afternoon “LaCura”was performed, in the homonymous track composed by Dario Della Rossa for “Healing in London” at the Kingsley Hall (9th September 2017 for Loonies Fest).
“LaCura” is dedicated to Franco Basaglia, Letizia Comba, Angela Fumis and Tiziana Baracchi and to the many who passed away/were not physically present but are still in our heART. Their presence was tangible in the gratitude of the ones who have had the privilege to share part of their journay in life with them.
Video by Maurizio Follin.

Let’s meet at Sheren’s

Category : exhibitions, performance, mailart · No Comments · by Oct 30th, 2018

A MARE in gARTen LCconCopyrightSITO
On Sunday 25th November 2018, from 11:00 am till 6:00 pm, Laura Cristin, in collaboration with Giancarlo Da Lio, will open her house/studio (gARTen included) in Bagnaria Arsa, not far from the star shaped city of Palmanova.
It’s all about joy and urgency of a meeting, mostly LIVE, where friends-artists-and-not can share their experiences and humanity. As for art, there will be an hour or more early in the afternoon, devoted to that. Laura Cristin as the host will start with “LaCura” from the homonymous track composed by Dario Della Rossa for “Healing in London” (Kingsley Hall 2017). It’s the chance to be in a participatory performance, fully immersed in the enchantment of Sheren and to practice the different WAVes of Love. Maurizio Follin will continue tracing one of his Way (Via). Whoever wishing so, will be able to contribute.
The spirit and encouragment of the passed-away listed below, with whom we had the privilege to share part of our journay in life, will be the heART of the party.

“incontriAMOci” (Let’s meet at Sheren’s) is dedicated to: Franco Basaglia, Letizia Comba, Angela Fumis and Tiziana Baracchi.

List of participants (in progress): Laura Cristin, Enzo Paviotti, Giancarlo Da Lio, Terry Cazzaro, Levis Cortese, Maurizio Follin, Gabriella Gallo, Maria Teresa Fernandez, Patrizia, Mariangela, Anna, Alessandro, Francesca and more.

The Tarot Room for “Le Stanze delle Meraviglie” in Verbania

Category : exhibitions, performance, around the world · No Comments · by Mar 19th, 2018

Clockwise: “LoveS” VI standard 2009,  “Wonderbookcase” oil on glass 1987, detail of velella in ensign XII “(la) vie” 2015, page from the diary “Memorie di Fumis Angela 1914-'16”.

Clockwise: “LoveS” VI standard 2009, “Wonderbookcase” oil on glass 1987, detail of velella in ensign XII “(la) vie” 2015, page from the diary “Memorie di Fumis Angela 1914-’16”.

From 10 to 15 April 2018, in Verbania, at Villa Giulia, on the lakeside of Pallanza, there will be the third week of “Le Stanze delle Meraviglie Wunderkammern”. The event is curated by Marisa Cortese for the association Siviera, with the patronage of the Municipality.
The “Stanza dei Tarocchi come tra-s-formazione” is a contribution of mine for Room number 12, set up in the corridor of the first floor.
Vernissage : Tuesday, April 10th at 5:30 pm
Visiting hours of all the exhibitions: every day from 3 to 7 pm
Talk-participatory-performance about the Tarots: Thursday April 12th, from 5 to 6 pm, in the hall of the reception room.

THE TAROT ROOM. A selection of Tarot ensigns manufactured since 2004, will be exhibited. These are painted on (disposable) blue textile, with the primal intent to fix the emotions felt during the performances as Sheren. Similar to the scroll paintings of the Tibetan tangka, in the end, they have turned to be mostly, pages from a diary of my art/life. With the attempt to give a temporary order to the turmoil of the soul, each of the Arcana has been re-invented with free spirit and a pinch of irreverence. In handmaking them, never I felt obliged to start from the Tarot # 1, nor to plan to complete the series of 22. The whole path of ensigns/standars so far produced, appear to me as a sort of roadmap to enlightment. The selection chosen for Verbania reveals neverending transformations from chrysalis to butterfly (VI “LoveS”, IX, XV and XVIII of the Irish triptych, in particular). It recalls sea voyages among the dolphins and the velelle velelle coming from the Ocean to the Mediterranean. If beached, the latter – aka “By the Wind Sailors” – dye the shores in blue. A velella – recreated in white organza – rests on Standard XII, renamed “(la) vie”, which is the remake of an optical color changer used during the Great War to communicate in Morse, where there was no electricity.These revisited Arcana speak of the attitude of “looking at the sky, feet on the ground”, reminding of journeys in the past times, that the full immersion in the dimension of heART makes us feel still close.

TALK-PARTICIPATORY-PERFORMANCE. On the occasion of the interactive meeting of Thursday, April 12 (17-18 pm), the Tarot ensigns of Room 12 will be temporarly moved in the hall of the reception. Before any talk about them, the Standards will be re-lived, re-animated and re-discovered with those who will like to take part. An original karaoke with the Music composed by Dario Della Rossa will occur. Guest of honor: the original DIARY “Memorie di Fumis Angela 1914-16”. My grandmother wrote it in “… Intra e Pallanza due belle cittadelle… ” as a refugee from Staranzano, North East of Italy. Soon the original diary will be donated to Archivio Diaristico Nazionale of Pieve Santo Stefano (AR).
Beside, some significative and inspirational objects met along the Tarot way – such as the rain stick or the EVA Mariposa butterfly – will attend the meeting.

Books of “Memorie di Fumis Angela” will also be available (transcribed and printed in 2016, online edition, as well as some artist books “ST”, featuring my diary/memoir 2017 about the Tarots as STandards and ways of tran-s-formation.

… and the story goes on