at London Biennale opening in Rome, May 1st, 2nd, 3rd

Category : exhibitions, performance, mailart, around the world · by Apr 21st, 2016

Artist Trading Cards 41 for London Biennale opening in Rome: disc, oil on vinyl, 1968-2016, poster for performance "hell-HEAL-hill", ph. L. Maria Mino and photo of Rome by Laura Cristin

Artist Trading Cards 41 for London Biennale opening in Rome: disc, oil on vinyl, 1968-2016, poster for performance “hell-HEAL-hill”, ph. L. Maria Mino and photo of Rome by Laura Cristin

In the first days of May I will take part in London Biennale opening in Rome, with a disc, a performance and a video.
On May 1st, from 17:00, at Studio.ra in via Platino 1 F, I will donate to Raffaella Losapio 1 of the 4 revisitated copies of the original vinyl recorded in Rome in ’68, for the 10th anniversary of her gallery; then I will participate in Reynolds’ performance “Emergency Room” by drawing a Chemo Dragon Chimera on her breast.
On May 2nd, from 17:00 at Valle della Caffarella, the main performance “hell-HEAL-hill” will take place: I will go back to my first time in Rome, in January ’68, so to make a synchronisation/syncopation in theme with this year’s LB of David Medalla.
On May 3rd, from 18:00 at Studio RO.MI in via Vetulonia, 55, the video “for Letizia Comba (1932-2000)” who was on the train with me in ’68, will be shown among the selection.
A series of ATCards with full detail of each day has been made and will be given out to LB participants and to the audience.
Full program in