Back to painting and videos

Category : performance · by Mar 22nd, 2017

After a while, I went back to colours and brushes. The result is a “TRIP_tych 2008” consisting in a composition of three paintings about art actions that occurred nine years ago in Venice, San Daniele del Friuli and in the gARTen of my house. Find the image at this link:
The bigger piece (“Totem”) can also be considered an homage to Bosch’s “The Souls Ascending the Empyrean”. Last year I made a collage about it, but transforming it in a painting was just another thing! Have a look at the previous collage at
Then the time came to edit the videos of the two main performances of 2016: “HEALing in Rome” (2nd May at London Biennale opening) and “ReACT and Revault” (30th August in Gaeta). Now both take part in the tenth edition of Magmart video festival. Synopsis can be found at this links: and