Words about Rome, Bosch&Bruegel images

Category : exhibitions, around the world · by Feb 20th, 2016

The (true) story “La prima volta a Roma” is finalist at the AVIS contest. It will be published with the other selected, in the book “La prima volta” by Marsilio Editori. The first three will be announced in an event in Mantova, next May. Incidentally, I have been in Rome recently and there old memories of that journey in ’68 with Letizia Comba arose. They will be expressed on May 1st in a performance at London Biennale opening coinciding with the 10th anniversary of Studio.ra.
Read the story here: http://laprimavolta.avis.it/prime-volte/post/343-la-prima-volta-a-roma.html

The BB dyptich had travelled to Hertogenbosch (NL) to take part in the mail art exhibition “Bosch after Bruegel” cured by MiiColori Too Joosen for the Museum of Instant Images in connection with “Hieronymus Bosch, Visions of a genius” at Jheronimus Bosch Art Center.
Private view on March 5th.
See my contribution at: http://www.artwanted.com/imageview.cfm?id=1404714