June updatings: plumes,Tarots and food

Category : exhibitions, performance · by Jun 20th, 2015

From my (life) travel notes:
– by June 13, the delivering of the 60 piume in viaggio was completed by snail mail and the responses have been amazing!
– Videos of my performance “Danse du Tarots en F” in Paris had new links, after the participation in Magmart video festival. You can now find them at https://youtu.be/8qOFcx4uorw and https://youtu.be/AY1yzJ602UY
– The new project/exhibition “microstorie di cibo” of ArtCafè in Milan hosts my contribution “Fiabe da gustare” at http://microbonet-artcafe.blogspot.it/2015/06/laura-cristin.html