“inFINITO aMARE” trilogy

Category : performance, mailart, around the world · by Dec 6th, 2020
The book-diary “inFINITO aMARE” was written from June 2019 till November 2020, to collect and transfigurate episodes of art-life as in “real” fairy tales. Three Artist Books consisting in 170 pages each were handmade to start the journay. Original copy at Archivio Diaristico Nazionale https://catalogo.archiviodiari.it/diari/8690

My best wishes for a Merry ‘Xmas and Happy New Year 2021! I hope to soon be able to embrace life again at one hundred percent, in the meantime I did it by completing the book “inFINITO aMARE” that I wrote over the latest eighteen months, from 13 June 2019 to 11 November 2020. Almost six hundred thousand characters, collected in thirty-three waves of art-life, to compose a trilogy (1-11, 12-22, 23-33). So far, three artist copies have been made which, starting from a December day when it snowed around here, have now started their journey. Still ongoing.

Index of the chapters of “inFINITO aMARE” (the book-diary is written in Italian, except # 27 We’ll Go No More a Roving that is in English): 01 Compleanni B.days, 02 Ricordo grato di Letizia Comba, 03 La nascita di Sheren, 04 Che Guevara, 05 Coney Island, 06 City Lit, 07 Allunaggi, 08 Bicicletta, 09 Serendipità a Berlino e Sofia, 10 La Grande Guerra, 11 Sulle tracce di Mozart; 12 Mondiali di calcio 1982 e 2006, 13 Arcobaleni e Messico, 14 Principesse e Castelli, 15 Le Carte, 16 Le Conchiglie, 17 dolpHEn in Irlanda, La plastica e i gonfiabili, 19 Da ShirEn a SHEren (a Madrid), 20 Instant book e onde noir, 21 L’isola che non c’è, 22 La Fotografia; 23 Dio c’è?, 24 Garibaldi, 25 Trebnje e Beograd, 26 Calzini scompagnati, 27 We’ll Go No More a Roving, 28 Farfalle, 29 Trip-tych, 30 Parigi-Venezia-Firenze, 31 Nei luoghi di Beethoven, 32 Cronologia dei Tarocchi, 33 Dalle Termopili a Gandhi.