Legenda (from bottom right): 1) feather 2/5 on card, 2) with Nenad Bogdanovič at Way Pavilion International, 9 May 2015, 3) Maurizio Follin at WPI, 4) Renato Sclaunich, 5) Gianni Noli, 5) Daniel and Christine Daligand, 6) M. Follin on his Way, Mariano Bellarosa and Tiziana Baracchi at a distance, 7) plume in the (h)air, 8) Gabriella Gallo, 9) with Emilio Morandi, 10) plume in trans(parent) envelope, 11) with Peter Küstermann, 12) with G. Noli embracing one of his work, 13) Tarotensign XII: (la) vie, painted by Laura Cristin 2014-2015, 14) still life with a goose and a dancer on my wonderlibrary, 26 May 2015, 15) 60 feathers at 8 May 2015